Friday, January 27, 2012


The Monarchy

*Don’t show disrespect towards the Thai Royal Family.
*Do not enter a temple topless, or in shorts, sleeveless shirts, or other unsuitable attire. 
*Do not wear shoes inside the chapel where the principal Buddha image is kept.
*Do not take Buddha images out of the country.
Strictly speaking it is against the law to take or send Buddha images out of the country unless special permission has been granted. However, this doesn’t mean that stores won’t sell them to you. They will sell them to you, but won’t necessarily tell you about the regulations.

Each Buddha image, large or small, ruined or not, is regarded as a sacred object. Never climb onto one to take a photograph nor do anything which might indicate a lack of respect.
Buddhist monks are forbidden to touch or be touched by a woman, or to accept anything from the hand of one.
If a woman has to give anything to a monk, she should first hand it to a man, who can then present it to the monk or she should place it on the ground or table within reach of a monk.  Monks are similarly not allowed to sit next to women on public transportation, so women should be courteous and not occupy an empty seat next to a monk and cause him to stand.
Thais regard the head as the highest part of the body and the feet as the lowest, both literally and figuratively.
Don’t touch people on the head.
- touch the heads of children, even if you may see this as a form of caressing. The head is considered as the most superior part of the body, and touching this part is not a privilege for foreigners!

Social Norms of Thailand Culture

*Do not point your feet at people or an object. It is considered very rude.

*Do not touch a Thai woman
without consent. Despite the image portrayed in some bars and clubs, the majority of Thai women are conservative
think that Thai women are "easily available". Though around 1% of the female population is working in the sex industry, this also means that 99% is not working there! You can get yourself in big trouble if you offend a woman in this way. Her husband may find he should take revenge, which could be very unpleasant for you.

Special Advice

*Do not get yourself involved with drugs. 
Penalties for drug offences are very severe in Thailand.

*Do not support any manner of wild animal abuse.
( Never purchase any products or souvenirs made from wild animals including snake or monitor lizard skin, turtle shells, and ivory. Avoid patronizing local restaurants that serve wild animal delicacies. It is against the law to slaughter wildlife for food in Thailand.)

*Do not take any packages through Thai customs for anybody! 
If you are caught carrying drugs, you risk the death penalty or life in prison. And prisons in Thailand are not exactly like the Hilton. Apart from that, you can hardly expect a milder punishment than life in prison. So be warned!

*Do not buy any precious stones on the streets. 
If you are familiar with prices you can buy them in (large) shops. That will normally be safe, but -again- be sure you don't pay too much. If you buy precious stones in the street against this advice and regret it afterwards (which will be the case in 99% of the cases), go to the Tourist Police! They know how to handle this and they do it well. (Or call 1155 for the Tourist Police)

*Do not accept any offers from strangers to assist you in finding the right places to do your shopping. 
They will get a commission from the shops they take you to and you will be the person who pays for that commission (in the price you pay).

*Do not accept any introduction to participate in any form of gambling. 
Gambling is against the law in Thailand and penalties are severe!

*Do not get involved in prostitution in Thailand.
You do not only put your health at serious risk, but the chance of getting robbed is very real. And apart from these dangers for yourself, give it a thought that having "budget" sex in a developing country like Thailand is very unfair towards the people involved.

*Do not buy bus, tickets from anyone, except from an official at a bus terminal. 
The bus you buy your ticket for elsewhere might never be leaving or in the best case you will pay too much. If you use a Travel Agency for tickets (or other services), make sure they are licensed by the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT). Of course the Travel Agencies in hotels can be trusted and are licensed.

*Do not call a waiter or waitress with the fingers of your hand pointing upward.
This is considered to be very impolite.
(It will make a similar impression as if you put your middle finger up to somebody at home). Put your hand up, but with your fingers pointing downward (or make a fist, if you prefer that or if you don't understand what I mean here).

*Do not finish the dishes when you are having dinner with Thai friends in a restaurant. 
Your Thai friends will keep ordering more, until you leave something on your dish, so that they can clearly see that you have had enough!

*Do not overstay your visa

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